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3. Arimoto, T. (2020). Sakkā nihon daihyō to ‘kokuminsei’ no setsugou [The joining of Japan's football team and ‘nationality’]. In T. Arimoto & A. Yamamoto (eds.), Nihon daihyō ron: Spōtsu no gurōbaruka to nashonaru na shintai [Japan's national team studies: Globalisation of sport and the national body] (pp.16-37). Tokyo: Serika Shobo. (in Japanese)
4. Arimoto, T. (2003). Football and the construction of collective identity: From the view of cultural studies. Jpn. J. Sport Sociol., 11: 33-45. (in Japanese)
5. Asahi Shimbun (2006). Morning edition, 22 July. (in Japanese)