1. 1) Japan Supplement Association (NPO), “Supplements Bible”, Tokyo, Shougakukan, 2002. (ISBN 4-09-103138-2)
2. 2) 財団法人日本健康.栄養食品協会,“JHFAマーク健康補助食品ガイド2004”,東京,2004.
3. 3) Shokuhinkagakushinbunsha, Trends in the Market for Dietary Supplement and Health Ingredients. Shokuhin To Kaihatsu (food processing and ingredients), 40(3), 16-47, 2005.
4. 4) 財団法人日本食品分析センター編,“五訂日本食品標準成分表分析マニュアルの解説”東京,中央法規出版,2002, p. 150-159. (ISBN 4-8058-4348-9)
5. 5) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan, “Shokuhin Eisei Kensa Shishin Rikagakuhen”, Tokyo, Japan Food Hygiene Association, 2005, p. 133-145.