1. Analysis of Disulfoton Metabolites in Crops with GC-FPD and GC/MS
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3. 3) Ueji, M., Kobayashi, H., Nakamura, K. “2002 Nen Ban: Zanryunouyaku Bunsekihou (2002 Version: Analytical methodos of pesticide residues)”, Tokyo, Sofutosaiensusya, 2001, p. 187-188.
4. 4) 「今月の農業」編集室編“農薬登録保留ハンドブック—作物.水質残留基準と試験法—”東京,化学工業日報社,2003, p. 359-360. (ISBN 4-87362-405-7)
5. Analysis of Disulfoton and Trichlorfon in Agricultural Products by FPD-GC