1. Lviv Politechnic National University
Introduction. Economic growth and economic development of any socio-economic space is the key to a decent standard of living in the state. These categories should be considered as irreversible and targeted qualitative changes in a complex system that develops itself through the prism of the formation of institutional preconditions and risks. Theoretical and methodological problems related to the new model of economic growth and development in Ukraine need scientific attention.
Goal. Identification of tendencies and factors of unstable economic growth and establishment of causal relations of satisfactory development of the national economy of Ukraine and delineation of theoretical and applied bases concerning change of economic model and its management.
Method. Theoretical and methodological tools based on the traditional approach and methods of logical generalization, analysis, comparison and synthesis to assess the volume, rate and structure of economic growth based on a number of macroeconomic indicators.
Results. The article examines the dynamics of national economic growth in Ukraine for the period 2000-2019 on the basis of empirical indicators. The key factors that, together with the structural, demographic, currency and banking crises and galloping inflation, caused sharp economic fluctuations in economic growth rates, have been identified and classified. The tendencies of the production structure of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ukraine by the main types of economic activity and its influence on economic growth are considered. The comparison of GDP per capita in Ukraine with other European countries was made, and significant differences in the level of this indicator were revealed. The factors of inflation and devaluation processes, as well as the policy of public debt on the dynamics of economic growth are analyzed. A classification has been developed and groups of institutional barriers (concentration-ownership, managerial-institutional-leadership, regressive-anti-innovation, military-political and foreign economic) have been identified, which prevent economic growth in the national economy of Ukraine. The main tasks that need to be solved in parallel in the national economy of Ukraine in the medium term to ensure domestic growth and development are outlined.
West Ukrainian National University
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