Management of the development of agricultural enterprises: challenges of post-war reconstruction and globalization


Hospodaryk Dmytro1ORCID,Pomyluiko Stepan1ORCID


1. West Ukrainian National University


The article analyzes the challenges and management strategies for the development of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine amidst post-war reconstruction and globalization. It examines the impact of infrastructure destruction and loss of arable land on the agricultural sector. Special attention is given to the current state of agricultural enterprises, the necessity of implementing innovative technologies, modernizing production processes, and integrating into international markets. Objective: The aim of this article is to analyze the current state of agricultural enterprises and develop strategic approaches for their effective management, emphasizing innovative solutions, integration into international markets, and the implementation of circular economy principles and organic farming. Methodology: The study employs general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis and synthesis to assess the current state and challenges of the agricultural sector; comparison to evaluate the effectiveness of various management strategies; content analysis to assess the impact of government programs and global trends on the development of agricultural enterprises; and generalization to formulate strategic management recommendations. Results: The study demonstrates that post-war reconstruction of the agricultural sector requires the integration of innovative technologies, modernization of production processes, and the attraction of investments. The implementation of circular economy principles and organic farming will enhance the economic efficiency and environmental sustainability of agricultural enterprises. The development of multi-agricultural enterprises, livestock farms, family farms, and agricultural cooperatives will contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas and ensure the country's food security. The importance of targeted financial and credit incentives for the development of the agricultural sector is substantiated, which will promote the return of war migrants and the development of rural communities.


West Ukrainian National University

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