1. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2024). http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/
2. Filyuk, H. M., Pimenova, O. V., and Pimenov, S. A. (2020). Methodological principles of assessing the relationship of the enterprise with interested parties in the process of business model development. Management of organizations and administration: theory and practice. Kyiv: Kafedra.
3. According to the publication "Foreign Trade of Ukraine in 2022" Express release of the State Statistics Service. (2023). https://stat.gov.ua/uk/publications/zovnishnya-torhivlya-ukrayiny-tovaramy-u-2022-rotsi
4. According to the data from management.com.ua resource. (2024). https://www.management.com.ua/consulting/cons002.html
5. Kozachuk, M., and Kunitsky, K. (2023). How to choose quality consulting: red flags and challenges of the field. https://www.epravda.com.ua/columns/2023/04/26/699505.