1. Zaporizhzhya National University
The idea of the article is to summarize the factors of macroeconomic impact on agro-industrial complex. A detailed analysis of each of the groups of factors is carried out. It allows revealing partial indicators and corresponding quantitative and qualitative indicators, which characterize the economic security of the agricultural sector. The process of formation of the state's investment image regarding the choice of investment into the country by potential investors is investigated.
It is determined that potential partners form an idea of the country's competitiveness and the ability to attract investments based on data of the condition of the investment climate and innovative development of the country. The structural elements that determine the overall rating of the countries of the world are distinguished.
The main international rankings have been identified and analysed. They reflect the imperfection of institutional foundations in the innovative component of the agricultural sector, namely, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI); the Global Innovation Index (GII); rating of innovative economies (VII). 26 parameters of the competitiveness index characterizing the innovation and investment environment in Ukraine have been analysed. Two main elements of the institutional support of the agricultural sector in Ukraine have been identified. They are the subjects of institutional support and the legal framework. A system of indicators, which characterize the economic security of the agrarian sector of Ukraine has been formed.
Ternopil National Economic University
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