Analysis of risk management systems in enterprises


Grynko Tetyana1ORCID,Gviniashvili Tetiana1ORCID,Yuldashev Rustam1ORCID


1. Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


As a result of the critical analysis of existing models of risk management, it should be noted that the effectiveness of risk management does not always depend exclusively on specific methods of responding to them. The decisive factor is the quality of management decisions, which should not only reduce the risk to an acceptable level, but also guarantee the achievement of the organization's goals. Risk management is closely related to both the events that occur in complex systems and the response to them by the enterprise, which is a complex multi-element system. This determines the need to use an integrated approach to risk management, which expands the methodological foundations of modern risk management. Thus, risk management at enterprises should be aimed both at identifying the causes of various risks and at using all opportunities to ensure optimal development of the enterprise in conditions of economic uncertainty. Also, based on the results of a critical analysis of existing risk management models, the article develops practical recommendations that can be used to guide the formation of a risk management system. Further scientific research should be directed to the development of an organizational and economic risk management mechanism at the enterprise, considering modern challenges and threats.


West Ukrainian National University

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