Bibliometric analysis of publications on leasing


Hrytsenko Кostiantyn1ORCID,Hrytsenko Avhusta1ORCID


1. Sumy State University


Introduction. The relevance of leasing issues for Ukraine is due to the fact that its economic and social development is largely influenced by the amount of investment in the fixed assets of enterprises, which ensures their competitiveness, promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the creation of new jobs. In this regard, it is necessary to provide a scientific and methodological basis that will become the ground for the spread of leasing and its development in Ukraine.. The purpose of the work is to conduct a quantitative bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on leasing based on the international scientific database Scopus from Elsevier. Methodology. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization and comparison were applied, graphic and tabular methods were used to present the research results. The built-in toolkit of the Scopus international database from Elsevier was used to conduct the bibliometric analysis. The analysis was carried out on the basis of publications indexed in the Scopus database in the period from 1992 to 2022 for the query «leasing». To increase the accuracy of the search, the search results were limited to certain subject areas. In total, 1,325 publications were processed, among them 789 were scientific articles. Results. As a result of the conducted research, a growing trend of the spread of scientific research on leasing issues in the world with stabilization at a high level in recent years was revealed. The largest number of publications on leasing during the analyzed period was recorded in 2011 (91 publications) and in 2019 (79 publications). The geography of publications showed that researchers from the USA, China, the European Union, the russian federation, and Great Britain made the greatest contribution to the development of leasing issues. Their scientific research was financed mainly from the funds of state institutions. The analysis of the most cited publications in the field of operational and financial leasing revealed the emphasis of researchers on the marketing activities of enterprises and ensuring their competitiveness. The obtained results of the study make it possible to determine the actual problems of organizing, conducting and controlling activities in the field of leasing, taking into account temporal, geographical and subject dimensions.


West Ukrainian National University

Reference17 articles.

1. Vnukova, N., Tokhtamysh, T., Hranko, K., & Sokol, S. (2022). Financial leasing for the extractive industry: Status and trends. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 970(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/970/1/012036. Retrieved from

2. Law of Ukraine 1201-IX «On Financial Leasing».

3. The Association of lessors of Ukraine summed up the activity of the organized leasing market for the past year.

4. The National Bank noted a drastic increase in the volumes of the leasing market based on the results of the 3rd quarter.

5. Conbeer, G. P. (1990). Leasing can add flexibility to asset management. Healthcare Financial Management, 44(7), 27-32+34. Retrieved from







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