
Ostapenko Sergiy1ORCID


1. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Introduction. Improving the efficiency of the agri-food market requires the development of proposals for the transformation of the economic mechanism of management, able to improve economic relations between its participants, which form the infrastructure that creates the necessary conditions to promote products from producer to final consumer. The above circumstances make it necessary for economics to solve theoretical, methodological and practical problems of agri-food market regulation, taking into account modern changes and requirements. Goal. On the basis of generalization of researches to offer the author's approach to an estimation of theoretical bases of development of the agro-food market of Ukraine. Method (methodology). The research methodology is based on the research of domestic and foreign scientists on the development of the agri-food market. In the process of scientific research, comparative, structural research methods were used. Results. It is proved that the creation of conditions for the balance of intersectoral exchange involves a comprehensive approach based on the following principles: a combination of free pricing (based on supply and demand) and state regulation of prices as a common system of market pricing; ensuring equal economic conditions for all producers, regardless of ownership and management; interaction of price and financial-credit levers in creation of conditions of the expanded reproduction of investment type and economic growth in agro-food sector of economy; creation of mutually agreed support and protectionism of the interests of domestic producers and consumers in connection with the need to ensure food security of the country.


West Ukrainian National University

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