Regulatory and legal ensuring the innovative activities of banking institutions in Ukraine


Chaikovskyi Yaroslav1,Chaikovska Ivanna2,Chaikovskyi Yevhen1


1. West Ukrainian National University

2. Uniwersytet Jagiellonski


The article is devoted to the solution of a scientific and practical task regarding the current state of regulatory and legal support of innovative activity and the justification of recommendations for improving state support for the development of innovative activity, in particular banking institutions, in Ukraine. A retrospective analysis of legislative support for innovative activity in Ukraine was conducted. Regulatory and legal support for innovative activity is classified into five groups: 1) Constitution of Ukraine; 2) Codes of Ukraine 3) Laws of Ukraine; 4) subordinate legal acts in the form of resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; 5) Decrees of the President of Ukraine. Proposed areas of improvement of regulatory and legal support for the formation of state innovation policy, development of innovation infrastructure, stimulation of innovation activity in Ukraine.


West Ukrainian National University

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