
Dutka Anna1,Savitska Olga1ORCID,Savitska Natalya1


1. Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism


Introduction. The use of a cluster model is of great importance for the development of tourism. It is precisely the cluster education that effectively provides the opportunity for economic development of the region and the country as a whole. It also increases the competitiveness of the final product, the production activity of enterprises that are a part of clusters in the market. The number of operating clusters in Ukraine remains insignificant despite the implementation of measures, which aim to increase the competitiveness of certain sectors of the economy of Ukraine and its regions on the basis of a cluster model. This is especially true of the tourist industry, which is promising in this regard. Therefore, the study of the possibilities and experience of introducing a cluster model is relevant. Purpose. The article aims to group regions of Ukraine according to the indicators of activity of legal entities and individuals of entrepreneurs; subjects of tourist activity with the help of cluster analysis, which will enable to identify attractive regions and will allow to develop optimal measures for tourism development for a certain region, taking into account its features. Method (methodology). In the article, the following general scientific methods have been used: method of analysis, method of synthesis, method of comparison, induction and deduction method, as well as the method of statistical analysis - cluster analysis. Results. The article substantiates the expediency of forming clusters in the field of tourism business. The essence of the definition of "tourist cluster" has been revealed. The advantages of the operation of tourist enterprises in the cluster have been presented. A system of indicators has been formed. It characterizes the level of development of subjects of tourist activity in the region. According to the results of cluster analysis, four groups of regions of Ukraine have been distinguished according to the indicators of activity of legal entities - subjects of tourist activity and five groups - according to indicators of activity of individuals-entrepreneurs - subjects of tourist activity in 2017.


Ternopil National Economic University

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