1. Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
Introduction. The functioning of modern societies, states, state institutions and citizens in general cannot be imagined without information technologies, the level of development of which, determining the effectiveness of management decisions in the economy, politics, social organization, etc., determines the identification and construction of a new model society, which is terminologically and conceptually defined as "information" . The transitional processes from the industrial to the informational type of social organization are characterized by different levels of use of information technologies, the state of development of the information provision of the state, the level of its democracy, etc. Ukraine's intention to enter the European space was marked by reformation processes with the active construction of information and communication technologies and procedures aimed at improving the implementation of customs formalities, increasing the level of efficiency of information, technical, personnel support for their implementation in order to build established customs legal relations not only in the customs space of the state, but also beyond it.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the problems of the use of information and communication technologies used in the activities of the customs authorities of Ukraine, to outline the priorities and obstacles to increasing the level of information support of the customs institutions of Ukraine, the directions of digital transformation of the customs space of the state.
Results. As a result of the study of the pragmatics of the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of the customs institutions of Ukraine, the chronology of their formation was systematized, the genesis of the informatization of the customs space of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization of the economy was analyzed, the features of the use of modern information systems of the customs authorities of Ukraine were outlined, and the advantages of joining the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure were detailed. It was established that despite the influence of external and internal factors that are extremely aggressive in nature, such as Russia's military aggression, the consequences of the loss of part of the territories, production potential, the decline of business and foreign economic activity, the irreversible consequences of the post-pandemic recovery, the customs space of Ukraine still has a place for the expansion of the use of digital and information and communication technologies, which has a fundamental influence on the optimization of administrative, social, economic and social processes of the state's development.
West Ukrainian National University
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