The idea of creative reflexivity and its psychological substantiation


Kuzmynska Dina


The article argues the importance of the personality’s reflective potential as their ability to self-aware and adequately assess themselves and the surrounding world in order to act effectively in an unstable and rapidly changing natural environment and social environment. The p u r p o s e of the current investigation is the psychological substantiation of the idea of creative reflexivity as a guiding idea for the further conceptualization of the current subject field of the author’s research. The o b j e c t of study is psychodidactically actualized in the educational process of institutions of higher education the reflective potential and creative abilities of the future teacher’s personality, and its s u b j e c t is psychological conditions and peculiarities of the creative reflexivity development of the pedagogical college students in their system-creating center – a deed of creative reflection. At the same time, r e f l e x i v i t y at the level of a person is a quality, trait or state of consciousness, and r e f l e c t i o n is a mental or personal process; therefore, reflexivity is actualized and developed through the ability to reflect; then creative reflexivity is the potential for creative, non-standard, in-depth self-cognition and self-construction of a personal trait-property of an adult, namely as their original intellectual capacity for their own multiaspect self-awareness – mental and social experience, motivations and means of activity, psycho-emotional and intentional states, everyday and existential problems, process and results of one’s thinking-activity, etc. In their genesis, they go through a certain path of development from fragmentary, separate manifestations in the womb of other cognitive processes to their integral-self existence as a personality, primarily own needs, motives, deeds and as their ability for own self-awareness, self-development, self-improvement, self-creation. The methodological basis of the specialists’ creative reflexivity development in the socio-humanitarian sphere in general and of the future teacher in particular in the process of professional education within Higher education institutions is the cyclical-deed approach by A. V. Furman as the center of the post-non-classically oriented vita-cultural methodology, as well as the fundamental foundations of the modular-developmental system of education, which substantiates its social-cultural mission, based on the principles of mentality, spirituality, development, modularity.


West Ukrainian National University

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