Comments on “Interaction between archeological site and geomorphology: a case study of the lower Garzan Basin” (Turkish Geographical Rewiev, June 2021, 77, 195-210) about the publication prepared by Sarıaltun


SUNKAR Murat1,POLAT İbrahim




In this study, an article published on “the interaction between archaeological settlements and geomorphology” in the section of Yanarsu (Garzan) Stream basin between İkiköprü and the Tigris River was evaluated. Yanarsu Stream is one of the important tributaries of the Tigris River and located in the east of the Diyarbakır Basin. Wide terraces were formed in the lower basin of this stream, which is in the Diyarbakır Basin. These terraces were used by archaeological settlements due to their high agricultural potential and the availability of water resources. In his article on “The interaction between archaeological site and geomorphology in the Lower Garzan Basin”, Sarıaltun (2021) evaluated the terraces in 4 steps as GT1 (30-40 m), GT2 (+10-20 m), GT3 (+5-9 m) and GT4 (+1-4 m). Sarıaltun also states that he carried out a 100-day detailed geomorphological field study in the Lower Garzan Basin. However, we think that Sarıaltun’s (2021) opinions, comments and findings on the basin classification, method, geology and geomorphology contain mistakes. The most important of these mistakes is the classification made about the terraces. Because the results of our geomorphological observations and researches in the same basin and the results of Sarıaltun (2021) are completely different. Tangible evidence has been presented under the following headings regarding incorrect assessments, especially on the geomorphological issues. In addition, the geomorphological features of the terraces of Yanarsu Stream were briefly summarized. Thus, we consider that the mistakes related to the classification of the terraces will be corrected.


Turkish Geograpical Review

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