Activation of the policy to regulate unemployment as a condition for increasing the quality of life of the working-capable population


Fedonina Oksana Vasilievna1,Lizina Olga Mikhailovna1


1. National Research Mordovian State University named after I.I. N.P. Ogareva


The purpose of the study is to reveal the impact of the level of labor income on the quality of life of the able-bodied population, to determine the directions of activating the policy to regulate the unemployment rate on the quality of life. The article analyzes the categories of quality of life, its structure and parameters, unemployment as a factor affecting society. Attention is focused on the study of the main directions of stimulating the quality of life and reducing unemployment in the United States and in the eurozone countries. The scientific novelty lies in the use of the author's methodology for assessing unemployment and substantiating the need to apply active rather than passive policies in the field of regulating unemployment and improving the quality of life. As a result, the mechanisms linking the growth of productive employment and the quality of life of the population have been identified.


LLC Publisher Stavrolit


General Medicine,General Chemistry

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