Problems of cryptocurrency legalization in Russia: legislative contradictions


Uglitskikh Olga Nikolaevna1


1. Stavropol State Agrarian University


The purpose of the study is to assess changes in Russian legislation and legislative initiatives related to cryptocurrencies and digital financial assets. The article focuses on the possible economic consequences of using cryptocurrency for Russian business; determining the degree of impact of transactions with digital assets on the country's economy in connection with the introduction of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation regarding cryptocurrency. The scientific novelty lies in the development and theoretical justification of the legal principles of regulation of cryptocurrency and its place in the domestic legal system, the need to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to cryptocurrency is substantiated. As a result, the existing legal framework governing the circulation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets in Russia was analyzed, measures of responsibility for failure to report on transactions with cryptocurrencies were identified, and the need to eliminate disagreements on the legalization of cryptocurrencies in the country was substantiated.


LLC Publisher Stavrolit


General Medicine,General Chemistry

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