IbM Sosialisasi Penerapan Lubang Resapan Biopori bagi Masyarakat di Lingkungan RW 06 dan RW 18 Kelurahan Sidomulyo Barat Kota Pekanbaru


Apriani Widya,Trisep Haris Virgo


Housing development as a form of urban development that triggers the growth of urban areas has resulted in reduced rainwater infiltration areas due to the increase in area covered by housing. Infiltration holes are simple technologies in the field of water conservation engineering with the concept of providing rainwater access into the soil quickly by giving holes made on the surface of the earth. This effective technology is very well applied by the housing community to prevent flooding in their area. Therefore, socialization is needed for the community. IbM is conducted in the RW 06 and RW 18 neighborhood of Sidomulyo Barat Village, Pekanbaru City. The method of implementing community service activities in the form of dissemination of biopore infiltration holes was carried out by lecture and discussion methods. The benefits of community service activities which are as follows the socialization participants become more understandable about what is meant by biopori so that it is expected to prevent flooding. Based on the questionnaire, it was found that 67% of respondents had lawn at home and 83% of respondents did not have LRB in their home environment. But there are 17% who know and have applied LRB in their home yards. Respondents 'attitudes toward LRB are known with 90% of respondents' answers agreeing to apply LRB in their respective homes.


Universitas Lancang Kuning


General Medicine

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