Background and Aim of Study: The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has changed our world forever. No matter what it is that we do, there will always be a place for AI in what we do. Controlling and managing this system of interactions is still within our power. However, the potential and the speed of developing AI-based information technology is so great that we may soon need to concede this primacy. The aim of the study: to justify whether artificial intelligence will become our assistant or, on the contrary, create problems; to identify what needs to be done to build a harmonious Human-AI System of interactions and relationships. Conclusions: It requires the development, ratification and implementation of laws that regulate the norms of interactions and relationships between humans and AI. The first steps have already been taken to legitimise AI-based Chatbots in scientific research and publications. This paper proposes an attribution for a product created by human without the involvement of AI. The use of this attribution helps to protect the individual’s right to their own activities.
Kharkiv Regional Public Organization - Culture of Health
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