Mortality analysis of the Gomel region population from infectious and parasitic diseases in 2009-2019


Ostrovsky A. M.ORCID,Kolyada I. N.ORCID


According to the World Health Organization, infectious and parasitic diseases account for about a quarter of all deaths in the world. In Belarus, 2,0-2,5 million cases of infectious diseases are registered annually. An analysis of the levels and trends of mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases is important for improving the practice of anti-epidemic work.Aims: Conduct an analysis of mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases in the Gomel region for the period 2009-2019.For the study, official data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus on the number of deceased persons and estimated data (mortality rates) of the «Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital» organizational and methodological department on infectious and parasitic diseases for 2009-2019 were used. The mortality rates of the Gomel region population from infectious and parasitic diseases were analyzed. We used epidemiological and statistical methods of information processing. To assess the statistical significance of differences, Student’s t-test was used.During the analyzed period in the Gomel region, there was a statistically significant trend towards a decrease in the mortality rate of the population from infectious and parasitic dis -eases, both among urban and rural residents. A statistically significant downward trend in mortality rates was also noted among people of working age. In the dynamics of the analyzed years in the period from 2009 to 2015, there was a statistically significant decrease in the mortality rate of the population older than working age, from 2016 to 2019 a statistically significant increase was established.In order to further reduce mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases, the main emphasis should be placed on two aspects: the formation of the population’s commitment to preventive measures and the improvement of the quality of medical care for the population.


Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

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