Psychophysiological Assessment of Individual Personality in Two Patients with Severe Local Radiation Injuries (LRI) of Hand and Acute Radiation Sickness (ARS) I Degree (30 Years of Follow-up)


Metlyaeva N. A.,Bushmanov A. Yu.,Galstyan I. A.,Nugis V. Yu.,Konchalovsky M. V.,Shcherbatykh O. V.,Torubarov F. S.,Nechaeva E. O.,Kretov A. S.,Korenkov V. V.


Psychophysiological examination was carried out on two patients, former border guards, who suffered on October 05, 1982 as a result of accidental contact with a source of gamma radiation (137Cs) while on duty while serving on the Iranian-Azerbaijani border in the ranks of the Soviet army. They suffered ARS of the 1st degree with extremely uneven gamma irradiation in the form of local radiation injuries of the hands of varying severity. The assessment of the aver -age dose for the whole body according to the frequency of dicentrics in cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patient No. 1 and patient No. 2 is the same and is 0,26 Gy. Psychophysiological research was carried out in dynamics in 2001-2013 using the automated software and methodological complex «Expert». According to the MMPI data, both victims have a hyperthymic type of psychophysiological adaptation with varying degrees of severity. Patient No.  2 is a chronically hyperthymic personality with a significant increase in the profile on the 9th scale and with its gradual increase in dynamics, which reflects the persistence of hyperthymic personality traits and causes an overstrain of mental adaptation, with an increase in the dynamics of the tendency to explain their difficulties and problems by somatic distress (1Hs).  Patient No. 1 has a hyperthymic personality type with a moderate increase in profile dynamics on the ninth scale. A personality trait is indicated by a high, growing in dynamics, indicator on the K scale, which determines behavior depending on social approval and concern for one’s social status. The appearance in dynamics (2013) of a peak on scales 1 (preoccupation with the state of health) and 4 (emotional tension in direct behavior) determines the insufficient ability to internalize the social norm, i.e. insufficient ability to perceive this norm as part of one’s own settings (a combination of profile peaks on scales 4 and 9). The presence of profile peaks on the 7th scale and the scales of the neurotic triad reflect the tendency to various options for the implementation of antisocial attitudes in a socially acceptable way, the desire to appear in a favorable light (scale L). Sufficiently high intelligence and demonstrative behavior determine good adaptation to the environment with self-confidence, high social adaptability, and resilience in overcoming difficulties.


Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

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