Bashkatov A. M.,Yuldashova O. A.
Context. The task of determining a generalized parameter characterizing a comprehensive assessment of the action of criteria affecting the sequence of execution of orders for the manufacture and delivery of products to the customer.
Objective. The purpose of the work is to develop an algorithm for calculating priorities when solving the problem of transport services in conditions of uncertainty of choice.
Method. When considering the problem of the efficiency of order fulfillment, the reasons are given that affect the efficiency of the tasks being solved for the delivery of paving slabs to the customer in the shortest possible time. In order to select a scheme that reflects the main stages of decision-making, a justification was carried out and a comparative analysis of existing models was carried out. The criteria for the requirements for describing such models have been determined. It is indicated that the objective function depends on a group of reasons, i.e. represents a composite indicator. The stochastic nature of such factors led to the use of statistical analysis methods for their assessment. The limits of variation of the parameters used in the calculations are established. The solution to the multicriteria problem consists in bringing the role of the acting factors to one unconditional indicator, grouping and subsequent ranking of their values. The decision-making and the choice of the indicator will depend on the set threshold and the priority level of the factor. The indices that form the priority of the factor are determined analytically or expertly. The sequence of actions performed is presented in the form of an algorithm, which allows automating the selection of a model and the calculation of indicators. To assess the adequacy of the proposed solutions, tables of comparative results for the selection of the priority of the executed orders are given.
Results. The method allows a comprehensive approach to taking into account the heterogeneous factors that determine the order in which the order is selected when making managerial decisions, ensuring the achievement of a useful effect (streamlining the schedule for the delivery of paving slabs to the customer) by ranking the values of priority indices.
Conclusions. The proposed scheme for the transition to a complex unconditional indicator (priority index) makes it possible to quantitatively substantiate the procedure for choosing the next order when performing work. A special feature is that the list of operating factors can be changed (reduced or supplemented with new criteria). The values of these parameters will improve and have a higher reliability with the expansion of the experimental design, depending on the retrospective of their receipt, the accuracy of the data. As a prospect of the proposed method, the optimization of the process of selecting applications using queuing methods (for the type of the corresponding flow – homogeneous, without consequences, stationary, gamma flow, etc.) can be considered.
National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"