Vanin V. A.,Pershyna I. I.
Context. One of the scientific hypotheses for the creation of nonreciprocal optical metasurfaces is based on the use of a wave channel in which rays of the direct and reverse diffraction scenarios are realized on two-periodic flat structures with nonlinear elements. Such processes in the nanometer wavelength range of electronic devices require precise calculations of the interaction of waves and microstructures of devices. It is also important to describe the behavior of antenna devices in mobile communications. Expanding the wavelength range of stable communication is achieved by using prefractal structures in antenna devices in combination with periodic structuring. Similar modeling problems arise when electromagnetic waves penetrate materials with a crystalline structure (radio transparency).
Objective. To test this hypothesis, it is necessary to carry out mathematical modeling of the process of scattering of electromagnetic waves by metasurfaces under conditions of excitation of several diffraction orders. It is known that among two-periodic flat lattices of different structures there are five types that fill the plane. These are the Bravais grilles. The problem of scattering of an incident monochromatic TE polarized wave on a metal screen with recesses in two-periodic structures filled with silicon was considered.
Method. The paper builds mathematical models for the study of spatial-amplitude spectra of metasurfaces on Brave lattices and gives some results of their numerical study. The condition for determining the diffraction orders propagating over the grating is proposed. Scattered field amplitudes are from the solution of the boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in the COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4 package. Similar problem formulations are possible when studying the penetration of an electromagnetic field into a crystalline substance.
Results. Obtained relations for diffraction orders of electromagnetic waves scattered by a diffraction grating. The existence of wavelengths incident on a two-periodic lattice for which there is no reflected wave is shown for different shapes (rectangular, square, hexagonal) of periodic elements in the center of which a depression filled with silicon was made. Distributions of reflection coefficients for different geometric sizes of colored elements and recesses are given. The characteristics of the electric field at resonant modes in the form of modulus isolines show the nature of the interaction of the field over the periodic lattice and the scatterersdepressions. At the resonant wavelengths of the incident waves, standing waves appear in the scatterers.
Conclusions. A mathematical model of the set of diffraction orders propagating from a square and hexagonal lattice into halfspace is proposed z >= 0. It has been shown that flat periodic lattice with square or hexagonal periodicity elements and resonant scatterers in the form of cylindrical recesses filled with silicon can produce a non-mirrored scattered field in metal. The response of the lattices to changes in the wavelength of the incident field by the structure of diffraction orders of the scattered field and high sensitivity to the rotation of the incident plane were revealed. The two-periodic lattices have prospects for creating anti-reflective surfaces of various devices. Two-periodic lattices have prospects for creating anti-reflective surfaces for various devices, laser or sensor electronic devices, antennas in mobile communication elements, and radio transparency elements. They have more advanced manufacturing technologies in relation to spatial crystal structures.
National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"