Parkinson’s disease prevalence, age distribution and staging in Colombia


Orozco Jorge Luis,Valderrama-Chaparro Jaime Andrés,Pinilla-Monsalve Gabriel David,Molina-Echeverry María Isabel,Pérez Castaño Ana Melissa,Ariza-Araújo Yoseth,Prada Sergio I.,Takeuchi Yuri


Parkinson’s disease (PD) has the second highest prevalence among neurodege - nerative diseases. In Colombia, PD population dynamics are currently unknown. Health records offer a unique resource to study frequency and multi-morbidity of chronic diseases. The aim of this research is to estimate prevalence and staging using administrative data (AD) provided by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). A cross-sectional study was conducted using 2015 AD from two Colombian HMOs (4.312.928 beneficiaries, 9.01% of the affiliated Colombian population). PD prevalence and severity was estimated by age and sex. Prevalence was adjusted to WHO demographics. Age-adjusted PD prevalence was 205.89 per 100.000 inhabitants. Prevalence increment of 62.13% was found between those aged ≥40 years and those aged ≥50 years. Similarly, each extra decade (50-80+) represented an increment of 83.65%, 80.95%, and 35.10%. Between 40 and 89 years, males exhibited a significantly higher PD prevalence compared to females. Advanced PD was more frequent as age increased from 3.77% in the group between 40 to 49 years to 25.86% in those older than 89 years. More common related comorbidities were arterial hypertension, diabetes, and psychiatric disorders; the first two increased their frequency with age, and the last one maintained its prevalence across all age groups. AD sets are useful to estimate the prevalence and staging of PD. Prevalence of PD in Colombia is higher in men and increases with age, as well as disease severity.




Neurology (clinical)







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