Pulmonary tuberculosis cases can arise due to various factors, including treatment fatigue resulting from prolonged therapy, insufficient patient knowledge about the condition, geographical distance between patients’ residences and healthcare facilities, a lack of reminders from healthcare workers regarding medication adherence, and the perception that treatment provided at community health centers may be inadequate. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of digital smart applications in enhancing medication adherence among pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Utilizing a trial survey approach, the research focused on patients seeking treatment at the Surabaya Community Health Center. Smart digital applications were employed to monitor medication adherence, with patients inputting their data via cell phones. The study recorded data over one month and found that while some patients struggled to operationalize the smart digital application, many were able to utilize it effectively. Overall, the findings suggest that smart digital applications can be valuable tools for monitoring medication adherence among pulmonary tuberculosis patients, particularly for older adults.
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