Analysis of human resources needs in the outpatient registration unit using the Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan (ABK Kes) method


Amalin Atika MimaORCID,Susanti Ari,Amalia Nuke,Fauzan Devia Rosa


Excessive workloads for medical record staff can lead to both physical and mental fatigue, while insufficient workloads may result in boredom. The outpatient registration unit at the hospital faces challenges in the registration process due to a high volume of patient registrations, leading to long queues. This study aimed to analyze the human resource needs of the medical record staff in the outpatient registration unit using the Analisis Beban Kerja Kesehatan (ABK Kes) method. The ABK Kes method involves calculating labor needs based on the workload associated with each type of task performed by staff at health service facilities, aligning with their primary duties and functions. The chosen method for this study was qualitative descriptive. Data collection was conducted through observation and interviews involving five subjects, all of whom were medical record staff in the outpatient unit. The results indicate that, based on the calculations, the human resource needs in the patient registration unit should include seven people, requiring an additional two staff members. The waiting time during registration significantly influences patients' perceptions of hospital service assessments. The addition of two staff members, in accordance with the calculated needs, is expected to enhance the productivity of the registration officers.


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