Novayelinda Riri,Rustina Yeni,Haryanti Rr. Tutik Sri
Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants require special attention due to the higher risk of death and disease compare to normal weight infants. Follow-up care is a strategy to monitor the growth and development of LBW infants after discharge from hospital. The aim of this literature review is to identify various interventions that are often performed during follow-up care to help the growth and development of LBW. This scoping review conducted through search using five databases namely PubMed, Proquest, EMBASE, Medline and SAGE, from 2018 to 2023 were search. The review followed the PRISMA using PICOs guideline andrestricted from 2018-2023., In total 1071 articles were retrieved and total six articles were meet inclusion criteria and reviewed. The review identified the most common interventions as: education and interventions related to breastfeeding, education related to infant growth and development and infant growth monitoring. While the type of intervention was mostly carried out through home visits and carried out by nurses. This study suggests that it is necessary to conduct research related to follow-up care carried out by nurses in many countries.
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