Santy Wesiana Heris,Putri Rahmadaniar Aditya,Firdaus Firdaus,Nurjanah Siti,Hasina Siti Nur
Adolescents’ unstable personalities are responsible for poor behavioral choices, which adversely affect their quality of life. Therefore, this study aimed to examine health-related behaviors, such as drinking and smoking, alongside demographic characteristics and basic health knowledge.A total of 100 adolescents aged 11 to 20 were randomly selected as respondents using a cross-sectional observational analytical method. Data collection relied on interviews, which were subjected to univariate analysis using logistic regression and Chi-Square tests.The results showed that there was a significant correlation (p-value 0.003) between smoking and reproductive health behaviors. However, no significant correlation (p-value 0.410) was found between reproductive health behaviors and alcohol consumption.In conclusion, the research uncovered a significant correlation between smoking and reproductive health behaviors. It was necessary to instill healthy lifestyle skills in adolescents early on to deter them from engaging in risky health behaviors.