Evaluation of the microbiological and chemical aspects of autochthonous wild snails in Sardinia


Coroneo Valentina,Marras Luisa,Giaccone Valerio,Conficoni Daniele,Brignardello Silvana Anna Stefania,Bissacco Elisa,Trapella Claudio,Alogna Andrea,Gentili Valentina,Parisi Antonio,Loi Federica,Cappai Stefano,Pisanu Margherita,Cogoni Maria Paola


This study was conducted to acquire knowledge on the epidemiology and ecology of some zoonotic agents in snails. Chemical and microbiological analysis was carried out on 46 samples of snails belonging to the species of Helix aspersa and Helix (Eobania) vermiculata. The association between heavy metals and wild snails, a native consumer product in the Region of Sardinia, was determined. The molecular characterisation of Listeria monocytogenes virulence genes has shown a genetic profile that deserves more attention for the improvement of surveillance and risk prevention. Specimens of H. vermiculata showed higher concentrations of cadmium (M=0.80±0.56 mg/kg) than H. aspersa (M=0.61±0.17 mg /kg). A further objective was to determine whether the samples showed significant differences from the point of view of secretion characterisation, in terms of protein content, and to identify species-specific correlations and possible relationships with the environment. The presence of Salmonella enterica sub.sp houtenae (6,14: z4, z23) and Salmonella enterica subsp diarizonae (47: k: e, n, z15) (1 sample), Listeria monoSnails,cytogenes (2 samples) with Molecular characterization of virulence genes together with the measurement of heavy metals in samples of wild snails has shown a health and hygiene profile that would deserve greater attention for the improvement of the surveillance and prevention of microbiological and chemical risk in such products which currently show a tendency towards increase in consumption.


PAGEPress Publications


Food Science

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