Cornacchia Alessandra,Saletti Maria Antonietta,Di Marzio Violeta,Salini Romolo,Marfoglia Cristina,Tieri Elga,D’Alterio Nicola,Marri Nicla,Losito Francesca,Arienzo Alyexandra,Murgia Lorenza,Antonini Giovanni,Amatiste Simonetta,Leboffe Loris,Pomilio Francesco
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of “Micro Biological Survey – MBS Test” in the enumeration of bacterial load in cow raw milk. The MBS test is based on a colorimetric method recently developed and patented by “Roma Tre” University, Italy. The evaluation of the performance of the MBS method was carried out by comparison with plate count at 30°C (gold standard) and flow cytometry. Thirteen independent set of experiments were performed analyzing a total of 104 samples of cow raw milk with the selected methods. Results obtained using the MBS method are comparable with those obtained with the plate count method at 30°C (CFU/mL) and flow cytometry technology; in particular, the results obtained with the MBS method are very close to plate count’s at 30°C. On the other hand, there are statistically significant differences between these two methods’ and flow cytometry technology’s results that could be due to the different experimental conditions.