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3. Tchernev G, Oliveira N, Kandathil LJ, Patterson JW. Personalised one step melanoma surgery with complete reciprocity between clinical and histopathological margins: a novel way to improve melanoma recurrence free-survival. J Medical Review (Bulgarian) 2022;58: 29-33.
4. Tchernev G, Kandathil LJ, Oliveira N. Intermediate thickness cutaneous mela-nomas and the new trends in dermatologic surgery: the advantages of personalized one step surgical approach. J Medical Review (Bulgarian) 2022;58:42-45.
5. Tchernev G, Malev V, Patterson JW, Lotti T. A novel surgical margin (1 cm) might be from benefit for patients with dysplastic nevi, thin melanomas, and melanoma in situ: Analysis based on clinical cases. Dermatol Ther 2020;33: e13261.