Lutfiasari Dessy,Martini Santi,Widati Sri
Anemia is one of the major nutritional problems in the world, especially among adolescents. The aim of this systematic research is to review the effectiveness of peer groups in preventing anemia in adolescents. Articles were searched from four electronic databases such as Science-direct, PubMed, Sage, and Springer. An online search for articles was carried out in August 2022 and provided that articles were published from 2018 to 2022. Several keywords were used for literature searching, including “peer group to prevent anemia” and “anemia prevention in adolescent”. Data selection using PICOS and PRISMA flowchart get 9 articles. Data were narratively described. The result of this review showed that peer group intervention changed the behavior to prevent anemia in adolescents. Peer group intervention proved knowledge, attitude, skill, intention, and behavior to prevent anemia in adolescents. The conclusion of this literature review is that peer group was an effective strategy for preventing anemia in adolescents.
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
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