Predictors of breastfeeding duration on mothers who return to work: a systematic review


Nurjanah Siti,Wirjatmadi Bambang,Devy Shrimarti Rukmini,Suminar Dewi Retno,Pratiwi Erinda Nur


Introduction: the idea of continuing breastfeeding and work raises conflicting demands on the mother. Work correlates with early termination of breastfeeding and full-time work is associated with a shorter duration of breastfeeding than working part time. Objective: we aimed to systematically explore literature relating to factors related to breastfeeding duration in mothers returning to work. Materials and Methods: this research uses systematic review where systematic review is carried out following a combination of selected reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis. Results: many selected articles were found related to factors affecting the duration of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers who returned to work. Discussions: delaying return to work until at least 15 weeks postpartum indicates a long duration of breastfeeding (at least 6 months). Part-time work is also positively related to the duration of feeding. Conclusions: employment and early return to work, support from social environment, perception of milk production, higher maternal occupational and education, household income, delaying return to work at least 15 weeks postpartum, working part time and longer maternity leave are predictors of breastfeeding duration on mother return to work.


PAGEPress Publications


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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