Pre-prosthetic atraumatic laser-assisted mandibular rehabilitation: Er,Cr:YSGG 2780 nm for alveoloplasty and mucocele removal. A case report


Emam Nourhan S.,Abdelhamid Ahmed M.,Segaan Lucette G.,Khamis Mohamed Moataz


Lasers are a popular technology in many areas of dentistry due to their low invasiveness, quick tissue response, and rapid healing time. Mucoceles develop from minor salivary glands, whereas bony exostosis is a prosthodontic challenge that prevents optimal prosthetic management. Scarring, pain, and discomfort are common drawbacks of traditional surgical approaches, which are followed by prolonged postoperative healing. Laser-assisted mandibular rehabilitation is a promising approach with predictable results. The patient complained of severe pain during denture fabrication, as well as a small, painless swelling on the inner aspect of the lower lip. The patient was able to receive the planned complete dentures after undergoing atraumatic laser-assisted removal of mucocele and bone exostosis with an Er,Cr:YSGG (Erbium, chromium-doped, yttrium, scandium, gallium, and garnet) laser treatment at 2780 nm. Both procedures were completed quickly, and there were no postoperative complications to report. Blanching overlying both lesions quickly faded after healing and was replaced by a healthy pink mucosal color; both lesions were monitored until complete healing. The Er,Cr:YSGG effectively ablated and removed both soft and hard tissue lesions with minimal bleeding and pain.


PAGEPress Publications

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