Basri Sitti Nurlailah,Bahtiar Bahtiar,Anadi La
Abstract : Pokea clam are one of the potential resources and have an important role both ecologically and economically. One of areas suitable for the life of this clam is the laeya river. This research aimed to determine growth, mortality and eksploitation rate of Pokea clam on the Laeya River in South Konawe which was started in September 2016 – February 2017. This research used swept area method by using a catching tool namely tangge. Data were growth, mortality and the exploitation level was analysed using Bhattacharya method, inverse von Bertalanffy, width converted catch curve and empirical Pauly, accommodated in FiSAT II version 3.0. The total sample of pokea clam during the research were 849 individuals. The result of growth analysis showed that the asymptotic width value (L∞), growth constant (K), estimated value t0 for the growth of pokea clam was 7,41, 0,56 and -0,38. The result of estimation analysis for the level of morality showed that the natural mortality value (M) was 1,84, the catching mortality (F) was 1,19, and the total mortality (Z) was 3,03. The exploitation rate (E) was 0,39 which shows the level exploitation rate of pokea clam in the waters of the Laeya River was still relatively low (under fishing). Keywords : Pokea Clam, Laeya Rivers, Growth, Mortality, Exploitation Rate Abstrak : Kerang pokea merupakan salah satu sumberdaya potensial dan mempunyai peranan penting baik secara ekologis maupun ekonomis. Salah satu wilayah yang cocok untuk kehidupan kerang ini adalah Sungai Laeya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan, mortalitas dan tingkat pemanfaatan kerang pokea di Sungai Laeya Konawe Selatan yang dimulai pada bulan September 2016 – Februari 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah luas sapuan (swept area method) dengan memakai alat tangkap tangge. Data pertumbuhan, mortalitas dan tingkat eksploitasi masing-masing menggunakan metode Bhattacharya, model inverse von Bertalanffy, hasil tangkapan yang dikonversi dari data lebar cangkang dan empiris Pauly yang terakomodasi dalam program FiSAT II versi 3.0. Total sampel kerang pokea selama penelitian sebesar 849 individu. Hasil analisis pertumbuhan menunjukan nilai lebar asimtotik (L∞), konstanta pertumbuhan (K), nilai dugaan t0 pada pertumbuhan kerang pokea masing-masing 7,41, 0,56, dan -0,38. Hasil analisis pendugaan tingkat mortalitas menunjukkan nilai mortalitas alami (M) 1,84, mortalitas penangkapan (F) 1,19, dan mortalitas total (Z) 3,03. Tingkat eksploitasi (E) yaitu 0,39 yang menunjukkan tingkat eksploitasi kerang pokea di perairan Sungai Laeya masih tergolong rendah (under fishing). Kata Kunci : Kerang Pokea, Sungai Laeya, Pertumbuhan, Mortalitas, Tingkat Eksploitasi