Widiyastuti Widiyastuti,Nazaruddin Nazaruddin,Handito Dody
Jaje tujak was a Lombok’s traditional snack food that has a short shelf life and lacks other nutrients besides carbohydrates. The aim of this research was determined the optimal ratio of sticky rice and pigeon pea on nutritional components and sensory of jaje tujak chips. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with single factor was the proportion of sticky rice and pigeon pea with three replications. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level using software Co-Stat, if there was difference, then tested further with Orthogonal Polynomial Method (OPM). The result showed that the ratio of sticky rice and pigeon pea had significant on anthocyanin levels, antioxidant activity, moisture, ash and sensory properties including hedonic (texture, color and taste) and scoring properties (texture, color, taste and aroma) but non significant on aroma (hedonic method). The results showed that the highest anthocyanin levels was L5 were 47.67 ppm and 63% antioxidant activity with 1.77% moisture and 5.31% ash. The result showed that The best treatment showed by L3 (70%:30%) seen from the sensory texture, color, taste and aroma which was favored by the panelists and in scoring which had a assessment of texture was slightly crunchy, slightly white color, slightly pigeon pea’s taste and not slightly pigeon pea’s aroma; with 34.23 ppm anthocyanin levels, 50.33% antioxidant activity, 2.01% moisture and 3.57% ash.
Keywords: Chips, jaje tujak, pigeon pea.
Jaje tujak merupakan jajanan tradisional khas Lombok yang mempunyai umur simpan pendek dan kurang zat gizi lain selain karbohidrat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan rasio campuran yang terbaik antara beras ketan dan kacang lebui terhadap komponen gizi dan sensoris keripik jaje tujak. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan faktor tunggal yaitu proporsi beras ketan dan kacang lebui dengan tiga kali ulangan. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis keragaman pada taraf 5% menggunakan aplikasi Co-Stat, apabila terdapat perbedaan yang nyata, maka diuji lanjut dengan menggunakan Metode Ortogonal Polinomial (MOP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi beras ketan dan kacang lebui berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar antosianin, aktivitas antiosidan, kadar air, kadar abu, hedonik (tekstur, warna, rasa) dan scoring (testur, warna, rasa dan aroma), namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aroma secara hedonik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar antosianin tertinggi yaitu L5 sebesar 47,67 ppm dan aktivitas antioksidan 63% dengan kadar air 1,77% dan kadar abu 5,31%. Proporsi beras ketan dan kacang lebui pada L3 (70%:30%) merupakan hasil terbaik dilihat dari sensoris tekstur, warna, rasa dan aroma yang agak disukai oleh panelis dan secara scoring tekstur agak renyah, berwarna agak putih, agak berasa lebui dan agak tidak beraroma lebui; dengan total antosianin 34,23 ppm, aktivitas antioksidan 50,33%, kadar air 2,01% dan kadar abu 3,57%.
Kata kunci: Jaje tujak, lebui, keripik.
General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
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