1. A. A. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. South Ural State University (national research university)
3. 76, Lenina prosp., Chelyabinsk, 454080
It is noted that calculations of the rated strength for bearing elements of extremely loaded structures, including nuclear power plants allow inelastic deformation of the materials of these elements. At the same time calculations of the low cycle fatigue require taking into account factors that are not observed under single loading including, i.e., kinetics of cyclic strains, cyclic creep, change of the mode of inelastic cyclic deformation upon normal operation. Moreover, the materials can be of different types: cyclically hardening, softened or stable. For the first type of materials at a soft loading with constant amplitude of stresses in cycles, the range of strains decreases with an increase in the number of cycles, but increases for the second one. Under a hard mode of loading with constant amplitude of strains the maximum stresses in a cycle for the hardening material increase, and, on the contrary, decrease for softened material. Moreover, the soft loading of softened material results in one-sided accumulation of plastic strains as the number of loading cycles increases. These circumstances must be taken into account both in the analytical description of the kinetics of deformation diagrams and in the corresponding calculation equations used in the strength standards. It is noted that at early stages of forming computation methods developed for these conditions, calculation of stresses was carried out in the assumption of ideal elasticity of the material. The use of such approach was attributed to the lack of available methods for addressing the problem of an inelastic cyclic deformation, complicated on the statement. The subsequent evolution of the theory of cyclic elastoplastic deformation, analytical and numerical solutions of cyclic boundary-value problems, developing of numerical methods of computation and powerful computer packages fundamentally changed the situation providing the possibility of analysis and modeling of physically and geometrically nonlinear deformation processes. It is shown that transition from the elastic adaptability (with an elastic deformation of the structure in a stable cycle) to a sign-variable flow is smooth and continuous, similar to the transition from the elastic to plastic deformation under a single loading. Such a mechanism is similar to conditional boundary of the transition from low cycle to high-cycle fatigue under a cyclic strain. At the same time, we offer to use in calculations the existing rather simple models and experimentally determined parameters of cyclic deformation diagrams of materials. In the modern statement of the problems under consideration, taking into account both the kinetics of cyclic and unilaterally accumulated deformations, with allowance for the manifestation of creep effects in cycles is of fundamental importance. This approach also makes it possible to take into account the acceleration of unsteady cyclic creep due to previous plastic deformation of a different sign, which can be rather significant.
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6 articles.