1. All-russian scientific research institute of aviation materials
2. Irkut Corporation JSC
The special features of various bearing deformation measurements for pin-type bearing tests of metallic materials are considered along with their impact on the magnitude of the «bearing elastic modulus» and bearing stress. These bearing test methods are present in ASTM and various institutional standards, though no state standard (GOST, GOST R) is currently available for bearing test method of metallic materials. Analysis of additional deformations which arise in determining the degree of hole bearing deformation is carried out. A set of sources of additional deformations is shown to be characteristic for each test procedure and is attributed to the design features of the device, the site and a way of mounting the extensometer. Additional deformations can be both tensile and compressive. It is shown that the impact of additional deformations on the «bearing elastic modulus» is limited to 14% for different procedures. No difference between the methods is revealed with regard to determination of the strength characteristics. At the same time the dispersion decreases with increase in plastic deformation and for bearing deformation about 4% the variation coefficient for all methods is no more than 1%. Advantages and shortcomings of the bearing test methods which affect the reproducibility of the results are considered. The effect of the specimen geometry on the bearing characteristics is considered. It is shown that increase both in the distance from the edge of the bearing specimen to the center of the hole for 1163T, VT6ch, 30KhGSA alloys and residual bearing deformation up to 6%, increase bearing strength characteristics.
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