Installation for determination of the elastic and damping characteristics of powder materials with an elastic-dissipative substrate


Sirotin P. V.1,Gasanov B. G.1,Ismailov M. A.1


1. M. I. Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University


Development of new composite materials with a given set of properties including a high wear resistance in conditions of abrasive and shock-abrasive wear, hardness, corrosion resistance, damping properties, low cost and manufacturability of the material is an important condition for further progress of the oil and gas, mining, road construction and other industries. A distinctive feature of impact-abrasive wear is the impact interaction of parts resulting in deformation of micro-volumes or chipping, which leads to intensive destruction of the surface layer of the parts. Parts subject to impact-abrasive wear must offer a combination of properties, such as hardness, viscosity, and impact strength, which can be achieved by alloying, for example, nickel, chromium, and other ligatures, as well as by mechanical or chemical-thermal surface hardening. The intensity of impact-abrasive wear is also related to the energy and kinematic parameters of the impact. Data indicate that parts subject to this type of wear should offer a sufficient level of damping properties. However, increase of the damping properties of most materials reduces their strength characteristics, and therefore one of the effective ways to increase the impact and abrasive wear resistance is to use multilayer powder materials, i.e., a «wear-resistant steel-elastic-dissipative substrate». We present the developed installation for studying the elastic and damping characteristics of powder materials with an elastic-dissipative substrate. The design of the installation, the principle of operation, as well as the methods of testing and calculation of the characteristics taken into account when developing and studying the materials exposed to shock loads are presented. The effect of structural and geometric parameters of an elastic-dissipative substrate on the damping coefficient, attenuation decrement, and relative stiffness of the products made of powder materials is considered. It is shown that the use of elastic-dissipative substrates can increase the wear resistance of powder and compact materials to shock-abrasive wear by 5 – 6 times due to the absorption and dispersion of the impact energy acting on them. The developed installation, test procedure, and method for reducing wear can be used in testing composite and multilayer materials for impact and abrasive wear.


TEST-ZL Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics

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