1. Kiselev E. S., Khudobin L. V., Vetkasov N. I. Resource-saving technologies for making critical parts from difficult-to-process materials / Vestn. RGATU. 2017. N 2/41. P. 199 – 205 [in Russian].
2. Salova D. P., Nosov N. V., Denisenko A. F., et al. Determination of grain strength of synthetic diamonds and elbor isolated from grinding sludge / Nauch-Tekhn. Vestn. Povolzhya. 2019. N 4. P. 73 – 76 [in Russian].
3. Lebedev V. A., Vernigorov Yu. M., Shirin A. A. Fundamental technological scheme for processing sludge wastes of grinding production / In book: Promising directions for the development of finishing and strengthening processing and vibration wave technologies. — Rostov-on-Don: Izd. DGTU, 2020. P. 370 – 373 [in Russian].
4. Vernigorov Yu. M., Lebedev V. A., Leletko K. K., Plotnikov D. M., Shirin A. V. Technology for the application of non-metallic fraction of grinding sludge / In book: Promising directions for the development of finishing and strengthening processing and vibration wave technologies. — Rostov-on-Don: Izd. DGTU, 2020. P. 82 – 88 [in Russian].
5. Vernigorov Yu. M., Lebedev V. A., Leletko K. K., Shirin A. A. Separation of non-magnetic fraction from sludge wastes of metal production in electromagnetic field / IX All-Russian Sci. and Tech. Conf.: Collection of Works. — Rostov-on-Don: Izd. DGTU, 2019. P. 50 – 56 [in Russian].