1. The A. A. Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Who is who in the up-to-date world. National property. Issue VII. — Moscow: International joint biographic centre, 2009. P. 270 – 387 [in Russian].
2. Reachings and machine sciences problems. To the 70 anniversary of academician K. V. Frolov. — Moscow: MGF «Znanie», 2006. — 416 p. [in Russian].
3. Strength, safe life, survivability and safety of machines. — Moscow: Knizhniy dom «LIBROKOM», 2008. — 576 p. [in Russian].
4. Makhutov N. A. Strength and safety: fundamental and applied researches. — Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008. — 528 p. [in Russian].
5. Strength and resource of liquid-fuel rocket engines. The series «Researches of rocket engines stresses and strength». — Moscow: Nauka, 2011. — 525 p. [in Russian].