1. Strength and resource of liquid-fuel rocket engines. The series «Researches of rocket engines stresses and strength». — Moscow: Nauka, 2011. — 525 p. [in Russian].
2. Stress-strain states of a liquid-fuel rocket engine. The series «Researches of Stresses and Strength of Rocket Engines». — Moscow: Nauka, 2013. — 646 p. [in Russian].
3. Local criteria of strength, life-time and survivability of aviation structures. The series «Researches of Strength, Life-time and Safety of Aircraft». — Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2017. — 600 p. [in Russian].
4. Applied problems of a structural integrity and fracture mechanics of technical systems / V. V. Moskvichev, Ed. — Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2021. — 796 p. [in Russian]. DOI: 10.7868/978-5-02-038832-1
5. Researches and justification of strength and safety of machines. To the 300 anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to the 85 anniversary of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences / N. A. Makhutov, Yu. G. Matviyenko, A. N. Romanov, Eds. — Moscow: MGOF «Znanie», 2023. — 832 p [in Russian].