Identification of structural defects and their impact on the magnetic memory, static and cyclic strength of VNS9-SH thin sheet trip-steel


Dubov A. A.1,Dubov A. A.1,Yamchuk A. V.1,Sobranin A. A.1,Slizov A. К.2,Arsenov A. V.2,Prosvirnin D. V.3,Marchenkov A. Yu.4


1. Energodiagnostika Co. Ltd.

2. JSC «M. L. Mil and N. I. Kamov National Center for Helicopter Engineering»

3. A. A. Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMET RAS)

4. National research university «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»


Identification of microstructure defects, which are stress concentrators (SC) during the operation of mechanical engineering products, is an important scientific and practical task relevant for manufacturing enterprises. This problem becomes especially urgent and difficult for critical helicopter parts made of sheet TRIP steel VNS9-Sh (23Kh15N5AM3-Sh) and operating under cyclic loads due to the complex microstructure of the steel and small thickness of strips and sheets. To assess the impact of structural defects on the cyclic strength of products made of the steel under study, the specimens were preliminary sorted proceeding from the results of their testing using the method of metal magnetic memory (MMM) and metallographic studies. The MMM method is a structure-sensitive procedure which provides information about the presence of structural defects that arise during the manufacture. Magnetic anomalies in the form of sharp local changes in the intrinsic stray magnetic field (SSMF) (H) and its gradient |ΔH| along the length of the controlled section Δx, were identified on the surface of sheets cut from five different batches. A conventional classification of the identified anomalies was made according to the magnitude of the magnetic field gradient. The specimens of two types were cut in zones of magnetic anomalies and outside them: type 1 — for cyclic tests and type 2 — for metallographic studies. The geometric parameters and field gradient values of magnetic anomalies on specimens of type 1 and type 2 were the same. Metallographic studies in zones of maximum magnetic field gradient on type 2 specimens revealed defects in the form of a strip at the boundary of different structures, which is a structural stress concentrator (SSC) and a source of the inhomogeneity and changes in the magnetic properties. Type 1 specimens with similar magnetic anomalies and Type 1 specimens cut from sheets outside zones of magnetic anomalies were then selected for cyclic testing. Comparative tests for cyclic strength of the specimens with and without specified SSC were carried out. It is shown that the presence of SSC zones in the specimens reduces the number of cycles to failure during cyclic tests by 1 – 2 orders of magnitude compared to the specimens free of SSC. Based on cyclic tensile tests of specimens, a limiting value of the magnetic field gradient was determined that corresponds to the acceptable level of stress concentration on structural defects. This value is recommended for use as a rejection criterion when examining a new tape by the MMM method. 


TEST-ZL Publishing

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