Established that the modern illegal drug trade is an integral part of transnational organized crime, involving the laundering of proceeds obtained through criminal activities. A comprehensive multidisciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Ukraine's efforts to combat the contemporary drug trade and to analyze the international system for preventing and countering the legalization of illicit income (money laundering). This study confirmed the connection between transnational organized crime and the laundering of money derived from the illegal trafficking of banned psychoactive substances. The research emphasized the critical need to enhance the criminal and legal frameworks, improve medical and pharmaceutical support, and expand social and economic assistance. By examining the global experience in combating organized crime and drug-related offenses, the study provided valuable insights into effective strategies. Particular attention was given to forensic pharmaceutical practices related to the detection of prohibited psychoactive substances and the legalization of income from their illicit trade. To address these challenges, the study recommends increasing the criminal liability for members of organized drug trafficking gangs and suggests specific amendments to articles 115, 305, and 307 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the European Union’s roadmap and international cooperation efforts in combating the illegal circulation of prohibited psychoactive substances and the laundering of illegal profits was conducted. Normative initiatives aimed at amending Article 209 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code were developed and proposed. The study indicated the importance of implementing the EU Roadmap measures in Ukraine to foster cooperation among various private and public institutions. This collaborative approach aims to coordinate joint actions, conduct research, and organize conferences and training sessions based on the EMCDDA European prevention program and UN initiatives. The study underscores the relevance, timeliness, and practical significance of engaging the international community, including scientists, medical professionals, pharmacists, students, the public, legal experts, law enforcement, and government authorities. Through this multidisciplinary approach, the study seeks to promote a more effective and coordinated response to the challenges posed by the modern drug trade and its associated criminal activities.
Shapovalov Scientific Publishing OU (Publications)
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