Are We There Yet? Gender Quotas in University Hierarchies: The Case of Colombia


Solano-Cahuana Iris Laudith


The year 2022 was set as deadline in the Colombian national development plan to reach gender parity in all public directive positions. As we reach the time limit, this study takes the lead on revising the impact of the national gender quota by comparing official reports and empirical data. Official records show a progressive growth in the rate of female representation among reporting organizations’ maximum decision level. Yet, closer analyses of quota regulated universities’ performance, show divergent results. Moreover, records of job positions filled by women are systematically omitted despite being required by the law, which raise further questions about the quota’s potential to foster gender equality at the organizational level. This research addresses this data gap, examines whether a higher proportion of women among various organizational bodies influence their election’s rate to decision-making roles, and explores current corporate equality strategies for a more comprehensive analysis of the quota’s impact.


Corvinus University of Budapest


Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous),Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Sociology and Political Science

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