1. 13_oxymoron [@13_oxymoron]. (2022, August 9). #락페, 역시 근본은 락페 [It's all about rock festivals] [Photographs]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChBy0d8hRMd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
2. The material culture of music festival fandoms
3. Beingzino. (2022, June 11). #아이앱스튜디오 #피그먼트 #반팔 #티셔츠 [#IABstudio #pigment #shirtsleeves #t-shirt] [Photogtaphs]. Musinsa. https://www.musinsa.com/snap/319397
4. The festivalization of culture;A. Bennett,2014
5. 축제의 계절이 돌아왔다...“마스크 벗고 소리 질러” [The festival season is back...“Take off your mask and shout.”];J. Y. Cha,2023