1. [1] A. Ohsumi: Modeling of Second-Order Discrete Systems from Stochastic Calculus of Variations, Proc. of 10th SICE Annual Conf. on Control Systems, Kumamoto, CD-ROM, Mar. 2010.
2. [2] A. Ohsumi: Discrete Calculus of Variations via Stochastic Mechanics and Subspace Identification of Second-Order Systems, Proc. of 10th SICE Annual Conf. on Control Systems, Kumamoto, CD-ROM, Mar. 2010.
3. [3] A. Ohsumi: Modeling and Identification of Discrete Second-Order Systems via Stochastic Mechanics, Proc. of 43rd ISCIE Int. Symp. on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applic., Shiga, pp. 35-42, Oct. 2011.
4. [4] A. Ohsumi: Control Theory of Structural Systems, Morikita Publ., Tokyo, 2013.
5. [5] A. Ohsumi: An Approach to Identification of a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Stochastic Systems, Proc. of 56th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conf. (Rengo2013), Niigata, Nov. 2013, pp. 473-478.