Results and Future of Disaster Management Research in the System of Law Enforcement Sciences


Vass GyulaORCID,Ambrusz JózsefORCID,Restás ÁgostonORCID,Varga FerencORCID,Kátai-Urbán LajosORCID


Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate the main results and experiences of disaster management research and development activities, on the basis of which to determine future development directions. Methodology: The impact assessment prepared in the framework of the study presents the characteristics of disaster management research and development activities, and also makes structured proposals for solving the appeared research problems. Findings: The results of disaster management scientific activity carried out as part of law enforcement researches provide an opportunity to modernise the legal regulatory, professional and technical bases of disaster management administration in a manner appropriate to recent scientific development. Value: The disaster management research and development experiences processed in the framework of the study provide a suitable basis for a high level of compliance with the relevant social needs.


Ministry of Interior of Hungary

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