The Topic Hypothesis (Pienemann, Di Biase, and Kawaguchi, 2005) predicts that L2 Chinese learners must go through three stages in the processing of L2 syntax (Stage 1: SVO; Stage 2: ADJ+SVO; Stage 3: OSV). The current study investigated whether properly organized instruction (Concept-based Instruction/Systemic Theoretical Instruction) could allow learners to process and produce two stages of grammar structures at the same time. Two beginning Chinese learners at Stage 1 received concept-based instruction that taught both OSV and ADJ+SVO structures in the same instructional session. Learners’ spontaneous speech indicate that both learners were capable to process and produce the two newly taught grammar structures after one instructional session. Post-test and delayed post-test show that both grammar structures were processable by the two learners. This study highlights the importance of instruction to shape cognitive development, which echoes Vygotsky’s (1986) notion that good instruction shall lead development.
Linguistics and Language,Cultural Studies
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