1. Anon, The Cloud of Unknowing (ed. J. Walsh; New York: Paulist Press, 1981).
2. Colet, J. John Colet's Commentary on First Corinthians: A New Edition of the Latin Text, with Translation, Annotations, and Introduction (eds. B. O'Kelly and C.A.L. Jarrott; Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 21, Binghamton, New York: Medieval and Renais-sance Texts, 1985).
3. Colet, J. Johannis Coleti Enarratio In Epistolam S. Pauli ad Romanos: An Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, delivered as Lectures in the University of Oxford about the year 1497, by John Colet, D. D. (trans. J.H. Lupton; London: George Bell, 1873).
4. Colet, J. Joannis Coleti Opuscula Theologica: Letters to Radulphus on the Mosiac Account of Creation; On Christ's Mystical Body the Church; Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Chapters I-V) by John Colet D. D. (trans. J.H. Lupton; London: George Bell, 1876).
5. Colet, J. Joannes Coletus Super Opera Dionysii: Two Treatises on the Hierarchies of Dionysius, by John Colet, D. D. (trans. J.H. Lupton; London: George Bell, 1869).